The Emerald Sketch App

Virtually guided healing arts for adults and adolescents

My app, Emerald Sketch, teaches you creative coping skills and mind-body processes to boost and elevate your own sensations and self awareness. These exercises are rooted in neurobiology and art therapy methods applied for trauma survivors and first responders following mass disasters.

Feel calm, even when in crisis.

Learn to reconnect when you sense the disconnect.


Neurological Processing

During prolonged stress, our mind-body and neural pathways can be damaged. The innovative practices introduced in the app strengthen neural pathways and build greater resiliency to cope with stress, as well as improve mind-body responses to traumatic memories and/or stressful situations.

Inward Eye

These research driven techniques will take you through an "inward eye process" inviting you to identify your own symbols of safety, build a greater understanding of yourself, and enable you to maintain maximum focus in every moment you choose.

Grief Coping

When the depths of grief and darkness seem to be drowning you too deep, Emerald Sketch is here to truly help you break through the isolating and upsetting emotions and help you come up for air.